

  Yarzheit [yar-tzhight] is the Jewish practice of remembering the death of a loved one.  It is based on the Jewish calendar.  In our secular society, this anniverary takes a back seat to the “real” annivesary of Simon’s death, January 24, 2005.  Most people, have no idea that there is this other anniversary, the 15th day...

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Big Talk

I’ve been to so many conferences.  They ranged in content from bankruptcy law to social marketing to small businesses.  At these conferences, I get the opportunity to meet lots of different people.  Most of the discussion occurs around the breakfast or lunch table.  Typically, they are strangers when we randomly sit down together, and...

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Incredible Medical Research

When I was a little boy, I remember watching the show, That’s Incredible.  It featured all kinds of unbelieveable or freakish things.  I has very low expectations about the show’s credibility.  I just wanted to be entertained. Today, I am attending the Parent Heart Watch conference.  I sitting with about 30 other families that have...

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Board Retreat

Last night, our Board got together to reflect on the last five years.  We also started to look ahead at the next five.  I want to share a realization that I had . . . Simon’s Fund was born out of our tragedy.  Simon would not be here anymore.  However, just...

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Doris Toran Goldman

There are so many things that I encounter in life that are easier because of the actions that others took before me.  I’ll never say that losing a son was easy, or made easier, by anyone’s conduct, but it is clear that the mission of Simon’s Fund was forged decades...

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